Wednesday, April 7, 2010

In the beginning...

No, I am not talking about Genesis 1v1. I am merely speaking about my blog. My very own blog. And this is the very first one! I am at work, smiling at the laptop and punching away at my keypad. I wonder what they think I am doing. Perhaps they think I am writing some amazing piece...reviewing an agreement...and opinion perhaps...yeah right! Well, it is an opinion of sort, no? Perhaps not a legal one, but it is my opinion, and I'm encouraged to have one, so here it is!
I have been thinking about blogging for a while now. Its just that I'm the sort of person that has an idea and I don't always follow it through. And when I do, I start, and then I get bored/distracted halfway and I abandon it. I hope this blog will be different. My other problem was that I didn't know if I wanted a theme or not. So today, sitting at my desk, I thought I'd blog about the most interesting person/phenomenon in the world!!! Yes, you guessed right!!!! Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you! For those of you who don't know me yet, not to worry, you'll soon catch on. And for those of you that guessed wrong, what did you think I was going to say? GOD? JESUS? THE HOLY SPIRIT? Ooops, you're wrong! HE is NOT a person. HE walked on this earth as one, but HE is GOD!!! And I would NEVER refer to him as a person, otherwise, I'd write PERSON, MAN, etc...yes HE has to be in caps lock all the time cause you see HE is not like you, me or anyone!
Okay, now back to "me"! So I decided to blog about myself and all that I am. I am a woman, I am black and I am Christian.
I was going to name it "Confessions of a Single Christian Woman" but then I wondered what would happen when I get married? SO I stuck to Black cause I will ALWAYS be black...I am no MJ! I will ALWAYS be Christian, and I will ALWAYS be a woman.
It was 2 of my colleagues that introduced me to the blog world. Opal-Topaz and 'Mina. Opal-Topaz started her blog, and I was intrigued. Then 'Mina called me someday to say that someone had blogged about someone who was very dear to me and had passed on, and that was Temmytayo. So I started reading her blog, and she became my friend. I read every single one. She doesn't know me oh! But she is my friend, cause I know her...through her blog.
Then today I read Opal-Topaz...I haven't been there in a while, and my dear colleague, blogged about her dear brother. I never met him, but I knew him. (Ehnnnn...abuse what if all these people don't know me? I know them!) Ehen, as I was saying about Opal-Topaz...her blog was was real. I remember the day 'we' lost him, I cried...not because I knew him, but because tears and pain, just like laughter, smiles and happiness, are contagious.I wanted to take their pain away. I wanted to do something...anything to ease it a bit. But I was helpless as they all were, but I had hope in the fact that the HELPER, would help them wake up the next morning, go through the day and the days, one after the other..and HE did. It is still not easy...but HE is still helping them in ways that no human being can.
GOD is....HE is GOD! HE leaves me speechless! I've not been good lately...and I marvel at that, cause HE is GOOD...whether I'm good or I'm bad..."HIS why is bigger than HIS but" so HE keeps loving me. Remind me to blog about that someday.
But I want to go now...I might be back today, I might be back tomorrow...who knows? I need to keep the 24. I am Jack! LOLLLL!!!!
GOD Bless!

Oops I almost forgot...I started blogging on my baby's birthday!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR. SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!!! May the LORD bless you and keep you. May HE fill your mouth with laughter and your tongue with singing. May you be like a city that is set upon a hill, whose light cannot be hidden. MAY he cause you to walk in HIS favour all the days of your life! May HE bless you as you go out and as you come in. May HE bless you in the city and in the field. May he make you head and not tail, above only and never beneath, first and not last. And may HE bless you with what is MOST important, the will and the "do" to have a closer relationship with him.
Have a fantastic day my Chocolate Biscuit! Mmwwuuaahh!!!!

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